SWITCH playground – a gym as you had never seen

I am not much of a traditional gym person…. For the last 10 months I started doing crossfit and now I just cannot live without it… Best thing I ever did in my life… I will never get bored again…

But I am open to experiences and in my recent trip to South Africa I was introduced to the SWITCH playground…

It is a gym as you have never seen before…

It is a mixture of nightclub, gym group class, crossfit and bootcamp…

It is really hard to understand without experiencing it….But I will try to explain…

It is a large open space with 21 stations of several types of exercises… From cardio machines, to yoga rugs, trampolines, kettlebells… all gym gear to push you through the session…

The class lasts about 1 hour, of which you and your partner (everybody moves in pairs) will pass 2 minutes in each station, moving through the room until you complete the circuit. Before and after the training, the instructors guide you through a session of stretching…

The light in the room creates an atmosphere of a club, a DJ blasts loud music to push the vibe and the adrenaline to the highest levels… the ambiance is  exhilarating…  Intoxicating….

Whether you want it or not, you move … and keep moving…. instructors move along the stations demonstrating the exercises and pushing people to high performance….

Time flies but also goes slow… it is hard… you give the best of you… there is no moving out… you are trapped until… when you least expect the session is over and as if you woke of a session of hypnosis… you feel the endorphins…

Mission is accomplished….

Some people are addicted to drugs… This is because they have never tried this kind of exercise…

Great for the body and incredible for the soul….

If in South Africa or in New York… book a session and try it on… your gym back home will seem boring as hell.


xxx Valentina

Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator