Sunday Brunch 14 – Lausanne Palace Hotel – Lausanne

Sunday… oh, the happiest day of the week…

For me a synonym of far niente… relax, enjoy and be with the family…

Normally this far niente is around the table… where we eat and spend time together…

No better way than doing so over a nice brunch…

This time we revisited the Lausanne Palace Hotel…

You may remember that I recently spent a magnificent night at the hotel with my husband. If you did not read the post, below I add the link… dont miss it!

At that opportunity we did not do the brunch, especially because we were not with the kids… so, this meant that we needed to go back…

Last Sunday we went back and we had a great time…

The experience was a surprising gastronomic trip to Greece. When we picked the date, we did not know that it would fall in the week that the hotel normally receives a chef as a guest. What a delight…

As one would expect, the brunch had a variety of cheeses, pastries, charcuteries, and breads, but it also had several types of salad to die for… The mediterranean flavour was all over the place, with the strong presence of olives, feta cheese and sea food…

Ah, the octopus salad was mouth watering…

All excellent, but the HIGHLIGH was really the hot dishes… moussaka and souvlaki…

For those who have never tried, both moussaka and souvlaki are very traditional Greek dishes.

Moussaka is basically several layers of eggplant, cheese, beef sauce, and finally covered with a thick white sauce… I dont want to call it a eggplant lasagne, but for the sake of putting a visualisation into context, that is more or less what it is… rather than having the pasta, there are several thin layers of eggplant.

Souvlaki is a dish consisting of several small pieces of meat (chicken, porc or beef), properly marinated, grilled and served with pita bread and a yogurt sauce… special and delicious…

The desert section of the brunch was just spectacular… There was nothing I would say I would not love to eat… although at that stage I had to start being a bit more selective… this, because I was running out of space to continue further eating..

So, as the deserts were quite reasonably sized… I tried 3 different ones… the Brownie (perfect for chocoholics like me), the strawberry tarte (I can hardly resist when I see one) and the crème brulé (indispensable)…

My husband tried the fruit part and absolutely loved it whereas my children were less healthy than him and a little bit more gourmand like me and tried the chocolate part…

The brunch offer is quite generous and the portions are of a good size… as we came on a special week, I would not be able to know what is normally offered in terms of hot plates when the hotel does not have a guest chef; however having eaten at the hotel several times, I can honestly say that I am sure the dishes would be as delightful as the ones prepared by chef Yannis.

So, if you interested in Greek food, you may want to go to brunch at the hotel around May or October. Maybe it is worth a call to avoid disappointment; otherwise the brunch is served every Sunday throughout the year…

A guaranteed delicious family time around the table.

Côté Jardin
T. +41 21 331 32 08

xx Valentina



Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator