The Chesterfield Hotel – London

London has thousands of hotels… for all tastes and budgets…

Depending on the trip, the choice may be different… Some hotels are more business like… some are more tourist like… some are even great to visit with children…

Location is fundamental… especially in a city like London… where every area is significantly different from one another…

This time I wanted to stay in Mayfair… it is my favorite area of London but also it was very convenient for me to stay there… The chosen hotel was the Chesterfield Hotel…

Very well located, the Chesterfield hotel is a great classic… decorated with the best of British style… where guests get mesmerised with the attention to detail.

Dark wood, fluffy carpets and use and abuse of wall paper… The place is just cosy and an invitation to stay in…

One of the things that bother me the most is the lack of personalisation that I encounter at some hotels I visit around the world… some of these hotels are so cold and sterile that I feel like in a hospital…

Well, that does not happen at the Chesterfield hotel… and in any of the Red Carnation hotels I have stayed so far…

All of them, and most recently at the Chesterfield, I felt welcome and appreciated as a guest. Staff makes sure they make you feel special for having chosen the hotel and that can be perceived at any small detail… from the welcome hand written letter to the chocolate at the side table.

Every person has its style and taste… and I sincerely dont know where I fit… sometimes I like modern, sometimes I want it classic… I think it depends on the circumstance…

The United Kingdom inspires on me the sense of heritage and tradition. I think London is one of those cities that modern and antique live side to side very well. So, when in the UK, I tend to give preference to stay in places that have the classic aristocratic atmosphere. For some, it may be a bit over the top… for me it is just perfect…

Matching bed linen with curtains and cushions… wooden furniture, crystal chandeliers, marbled floors and portraits… it is all there to impress and astonish…

In speaking of astonishment, I got astonished with the room I was given to… It was a mini palace within the hotel… A suite with my own dinning area and a princess bed…

The place was not huge but big enough to fit a family and to impress… Everything was meticulously designed to be sumptuous… luxurious…

Let me go back to the Princess bed… it was a super king bed… with very fluffy pillows and super soft duvet… an invitation to lazy morning, lazy afternoon and a lazy evening… Pity that I had early appointments and late dinners, which obliged me not to enjoy as much I would have loved to… I will have to go back…

Another impressive part was the bathroom… I think I have already told you about my obsession of the hotel towels… I mesure the “quality” of the hotel by the softness of the towels… the softer they are the greater it is for me… in this case… just perfect and with the hotel’s monogram on it… it is attention to detail, right?


Although my number of hours within the hotel resumed to my night of sleep, I had a wonderful time in which I sleep like a baby feeling like a princess…

A great Oasis in the buzz of London… and dont miss the breakfast, which is very varied and delicious, as well as its afternoon tea… Also very traditional…

When there, remind yourself to try an extra scone thinking of me…

xx Valentina


Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator