Halloween weekend at Jucker Farm

As you know I am a mother of 2… This means that I have to be constantly thinking of what to do with the kids… Especially when we travel…

I love my weekends out of the house… So quite often… Sometimes too often we hit the road…

Someone many years ago had told me about the Jucker Farm… A farm not very far from Zurich…


Well, not far from Zurich… To be precise, it is about 20 minutes outside Zurich at Seegraben, but very far from home…. hours and hours away…

Last weekend we decided to hit the road and finally make to it…

No regrets…. the place is a farm but it is much more than that… it is also an open museum… it is an amazing play area for the kids and it is a gastronomic site….

The farm is famous and receives turists from all over the world… So, Halloween weekend… It was packed…. As you could expect…

As we came in, we quickly saw we would not regret the trip… Sculptures after sculptures of different animals made of pumpkins…. Each one of them… A photograph…

My kids loved it…

Farm animals also are around for the kids to enjoy… Chicken…goats… Sheep… My kids loved the contact with nature…

The farm has also an amazing restaurant… I love everything made out from pumpkin… So I dived straight into the soup…. But there was a lot more than that… For those who love German sausage… This was also the perfect place…


Even if the place was full, we still found a table at the terrace, just next to the playground where we could enjoy the soup, the wine and the kids playing around…


As it was Halloween season, we also took the time to cut out our own pumpkin… Not so easy but in the end I love the smirk on Jack’s face…. Not deliberate but very much appropriate to our family…

The farm is open throughout the year and it is an excellent place to walk around, eat well and entertain the kids…

The trip was super worth it… I recommend you visiting it… With or without kids…


XX Valentina

Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator