Sunday Brunch 6 – Druckwasserwerk – Frankfurt

Chez moi there is no ordinary cooking on Sunday… My favorite, really, is to have a Sunday brunch… No worries… Just sit back, relax and enjoy…

At home or travelling… That is my first option…

This time, everything about this brunch was quite different… First the location… In front of the Main river… it is a stunning location to enjoy the Frankfurt atmosphere…


The building is an old waterworks… High stoned walls and ceilings… Exposed pipes, large rooms, filled with long tables and chairs, give this rustic, kind of ancient vibe to the venue…


The food… Ah, German cuisine can be quite special… And for my taste, quite exotic…

There was a lot of things I love to eat and others which I learned to eat…

My favourite part was the large buffet of salads, eggs, omelets, smoked salmon and various types of salamis…

But there was a large part for German food lovers and heavy eaters… Various types of sausage with mustard and potatoes, or sauerkraut and pork…

Also, a typical local dish is the Handkase with Music which is a typical sour milk cheese served with bread and onions (which is the Music part)… This is a either love or hate dish…. You smell for a week after eating it…


Try also eggs and potatoes with Grunesauce… Which is a green sauce made with herbs… Again… Love it or Hate it…



I recommend the experience…  Although exotic is not a word one would associate to Germany.. I assure you in this case I cannot find a better one…. enjoy!

Ihr Restaurant Druckwasserwerk in Frankfurt

XX Valentina

Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator