What is important to you when buying a new suitcase? Size, weight, price, beauty, resistance???
All of the above????
YES… each element is important, but for me size and weight are the most important ones…
For my day trips or even long weekends, I give preference to carry a cabin suitcase so that this way I do not waste time checking in or collecting the luggage at the belt…
Sometimes it proves to be quite a difficult task to fit it all in the cabin luggage and that is when size becomes so important…
Some of my friends will remember that to downsize like that has been a journey to me… I always had an extra pair of shoes to add at the last minute…?
Victorinox is about to release a new model of suitcase in 3 different sizes but the one that I really liked best was the cabin one in which all parts are integrated within the case body… there is no waste of space… 32 liters… the greatest volume in its category…
This case has also something very interesting… it has an integrated USB entry so that you can charge your phone using the case… the battery is not included but inside the case there is a compartment where to insert your own batery through the USB cable… a connected case!
Another new release of the brand is a collection dedicated to us… ladies…. here the cases have pastel colors… and more internal pockets… the pink matches the I phone 7 pink… We ladies loooove that!
I am not a backpacker at all… one day I will tell you my one and only experience… however, Victorinox has developed a whole series of backpacks catering for all types of need and public… from outdoor junkers to business travelers… every compartment has a purpose… the materials are super resistant and The quality is outstanding…
No need to brag about the brand… Victorinox is famous for integrating everything you need into a small Swiss knife… now you can imagine how much of this experience they have implemented into their suitcases… now I think I can fit a little more than that extra pair of shoe…
xx Valentina
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