Easter time…

Less two weeks to go… I started decorating the house for such a special moment… 

Not many of us know the history behind the Easter bunny and the Easter Eggs…

For centuries the eggs were and are associated to Christ’s rebirth… the resurrection… The new life that is born out of the shell…. they were real eggs which were painted and decorated… a prestigious and precious gift in symbol of life and fertility.

The bunny’s association to it come out of the German pagan history prior to when the catholic church dominated the German territory in the middle ages…  The pagans at the time used to associate the Bunny to fertility, and the word Ostern, which means Easter in German, was also associated to the beginning of spring. With the Catholicism spreading over, the symbol quickly got associated to Easter, as the Christian holiday for Christ’s resurrection.

How did the chocolate come into play?

With the advent of chocolate in the late 16th century, nobody really knows who first created the eggs out of chocolate… It is known that it was from where we today know to be either France or Germany. The fact is that molding chocolate into eggs shape quickly became a trend and it has been popular for more than 2 centuries now.

This little story is to remind us of the symbolism of the date… Although connected to Christianity, around the same time of the year, other religious also celebrate their equivalent of Easter….

Regardless of faith, Easter falls around the beginning of Spring and it is a magical moment of the year, when after a long and hard winter, life florishes and the sun shines again…

I love this time of the year and I love chocolate too! I enjoy decorating the house in bright colors and joining my family in another celebration of life…

Have a look of my favorite bunny for this year… made by La Durée… so cute that I would not dare to eat it..

Would you???

xx Valentina


Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator