Should I buy a Dolce and Gabbana dress for my 5 years old girl?
Would you pay more than USD 1,000.00 on a dress for you 5 years old girl? What about another few thousands for shoes and bags?
I love fashion and I have no pity to spend money on a labled dress or bag; however when it comes to my kids, I kind of sweat…. it is not that I do not want them to be well dressed or looking good… it is just that kids grow quickly and most of the time these clothes are worn once, maybe twice… different from adults that can keep the clothes for years, kids quickly do not fit anymore…
When I go to Dior, Dolce and Gabbana and Gucci… I feel like buying everything… But then I also think that some of these clothes are exactly the same as the adults clothes… On one side it is nice to match mom and daughter dressing alike, on the other side it is making the kid dress like an adult, look like an adult, making them age when it is still not the time to…
Actually there is time for everything… Sometimes I see ads with young kids wearing jewelry and make up… I wonder whether that is right… Not so sure… I understand that the kids fashion market is a multi billion dollar industry; however kids are kids and should be dressed as kids… When I see my daughter running through the floor and grass with her Jacadi dress, I thank God that I did not crack and I resisted the Dolce and Gabbana temptation.
Talking about temptation, the recent collection for Dolce and Gabbana is made for young girls… It brings the mothers to fairy tale land, contradicting my statement above that some of the kids clothes make them age and because of that they are just not appropriate… Dolce and Gabbana with the princess and mice collection got it very right and made it very difficult for me to resist…
So, in bottle line, would you pay for it???
A friend of mine employs a hair stylist and makeup artist for her six year old daughter’s Instagram feed. No reason. Super indulged. I have no opinion.
I dont know your friend and people are free to do whatever they wish but I would not do it! I love fashion but kids are kids
I agree with that. Children don’t understand status and prestige and designer labels. They have likes and dislikes. However, people get very testy when they’re told how to spend money where their children are concerned so I’ve practiced not judging.
I agree… this is the reason I proposed my debate with the post… it can be hard to resist…especially if you can afford.