Shopping: online or in the shop?

Today I bought myself this amazing top…then, I was chatting with this good friend of mine who manages the shop and she mentioned how difficult the real fashion market is…

Actually she gave me the idea to write this post as it is a great subject for a debate…

Shopping: the pros and cons of the online version as opposed to the real store experience.

It is true that the online shopping has made the purchase experience way more democratic, simpler and easier… Through a few clicks in any device, one can buy pretty much any article…

Some super luxurious brands still resist to place all its articles online… It is still impossible to buy a genuine brand new Birkin online… However, apart from some exceptions, even brands which have resisted for very long, such as Chanel, are planning to have an online shopping store.

Also, there are many collective brands sites, such as;;, which offer all super brands collectively under one umbrella. Their sales are amazing and prices are less expensive than in the stores.

Even the second hand market got sophisticated and has its super online shops, such as and, where one can buy second handed luxurious items with authenticity and variety of choice.

The online shopping movement is irreversible. However, it has serious consequences in the real world.

The online stores have less costs, as they do not need to have presence in the various streets of the world. They do not need to pay high prestigious rents, they do not need to employ vendors. Of course they also create jobs, as they need storage, they need customer relationship attendants, but their cost can be reduced by the scale of their orders from all over the globe.

The real street stores, on the contrary, do the hard lifting. Most of the purchasers go to the shop to see the real thing at hand. They touch, they try,they get advice and they do not buy… They buy online…where it is cheaper…

What does that mean? Does it mean that the street shops are to disappear as the boutiques disappeared with the advent of the department stores? Does it mean that we will have fewer and fewer shops, as competition will kick them out of the market?

I don’t have the answers to those questions. I think a lot of people like me like the real store experience; however I admit I buy a lot of things online too. In terms of price I do not want to pay more if I can pay less, although I understand that personalised one to one care has a cost.

What do you think it will happen? Will stores disappear as magazines and newspapers are shutting down??? I would love to hear your opinion!


Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator