Mini bags

The hit of the moment is the mini bag… You see them everywhere…

I like them but I am not convinced they suit me… Actually I find them quite expensive for what it is…

I saw recently a mini Peekaboo hanging in a large one… The price of the mini does not correspond to its size…

All the brands are making minis… Stella Mccartney has also just released the mini Falabellas… I have a large one and not sure I like the mini…

Even Hermes got into the trend… Some minis for your review…


I am a big bag girl… I carry the world in my bag… It is kind of impossible to use a mini all the time… It does not even fit my phone…

Of course for an evening I carry small clutches or bags but still the mini are too small…

What type of girl are you??? Mini or large? Is this a trend to stay or will soon go???

Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator