Acne…never more!

My face skin has always been the most vulnerable part of my body… I have spent my whole life fighting the big spots and black dots on my face… have tried several dermatologists, tried all types of creams and treatments…

I tried acid, Amelan, everything you could possibly imagine… I have visited the aestheticism every week and the spots would still be there…

The only time I remember I had a beautiful skin was when I was pregnant… As I cannot be pregnant all the time… my spots came back… I always felt hopeless… I was even told that the reason was my hormones and because of that I would never get rid of my spots…

Well when you are 40, this is not really comforting… but miracles happens and my acne disappeared..

Do you remember I wrote a full post about the One and Only Spa in Cape Town? If you have not read it, check it out…

One & Only Spa Cape Town

The Lady who looked after me, made a whole analysis of my skin and she also asked me about the products I was using… I told her that I was using a day cream and a sun screen every day and every other day in the evening I would use a cream with Vitamin A prescribed by my dermatologist…

Then she asked me if I know the Espa products… as I did not know them,  I answered no… she said but you must… your skin is unbalanced and you must use two products… The Tea Tree Gel, which is going to help you with the spots and the red / black dots and the optimum skin proserum… as this will help you by closing the pores…

She also said, wash your face twice a day, and NEVER go to bed with the skin dirty… if you do this and continue with the sun screen and the Vitamin A you will have the skin of your dreams…

I must confess that I did not believe her entirely… I believe disbelieving… however I bought the products, but thinking that I would never be so disciplined…

I started using them… in two days I could notice that my skin was slightly less irritated… then, that gave me the drive to be disciplined…. I continued and it has been 2 months… the pores little by little started closing, the skin was becoming more smooth and the acne… disappeared!

WoW!!! It has been 6 weeks that I do not have one single spot… I am being religious about my skin ritual… wash, tea tree gel, day cream, sun screen and then make up… in the evening, wash, one day the Vitamin A, the other day the tee tree gel and bed…

I am not a dermatologist and I am aware that skin is something super personal but I really needed to share that with you so that you could check the Espa Skin products…


Espa 2

If you know them or have tried, let me know your impressions!

Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator