Louboutin nail polish for you – boys, please participate
500 followers!!! I cannot even believe! It has been only four months and here we are being followed by 500 people…
I cannot even express my gratitude! Every reader is very important to us and every comment, participation, like, and share is read on our side and accepted with great modesty, especially when there are so many outstanding bloggers and writers in the internet universe which we have just started to learn about…
Our celebration is a gift to you. Last time was chocolates, this time is a nail polish… Boys, do not get upset, please PARTICIPATE and gift your mums, girlfriends, wives with this piece of unique glamour!
As there is no such a thing as free lunch, you need to work a little:
1 – 1 chance for 1 like
2 – 2 chances for a like and follow
3- 3 chances for like, a follow and a share or reblog!
This time I will do it simple. You can follow me either on Facebook or directly through the blog.
The color I will gift is the exquisite RED – LOUBOUTIN (check my post RED about it)!
Good Luck
Reblogged this on Valentina bling bling and commented:
Hi everybody. I am pleased to annouce thatbthe winner of the nail polish is Livia Nery. Please send me your address in the facebook inbox. Thanks.
Olá meninas e meninos, tenho o prazer de informar que a ganhadora do esmalte é Lívia Nery. favor me contactar pelo inbox do face para me dar o seu endereço. Obrigada e parabéns