The marvelous dresses of Anita Dongre
Everybody is talking about it… The website has even crashed!!!
Who has not seen the dress the Duchess of Cambridge was wearing earlier today… It was gorgeous and she was stunning…
I quickly tried to find out who the designer was, and discovered Anita Dongre… A young Indian designer, quite famous and recognized in India…
As most of us are not super up to date with the indian fashion market, I thought it would be interesting to show you these amazing dresses which can be purchased and delivered all over the world.
I must confess that I have always been fascinated by indian clothes and jelwerly… The colours, the sarees… They are so luxurious, they are so feminin, so glamourous…
Do you like it? Would you wear her clothes??? I cannot wait for my dress…
Vcs gostaram??? Usariam??? Eu mal me aguento até o meu mais novo vestido chegar!!!
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