Gucci – a breath of fresh air

One of these days I was wondering around and the shinning colours of Gucci’s vitrine caught my eyes… It was somewhat surprising to me to see yellows, pinks and greens…

Gucci has not been one my favourite brands over the years… Not really know why but my feeling was that it always looked the same… The colours were always 50 shades of grey and they seem not to have any personality.

This collection has changed dramatically. Gucci changed designer and flourished… Alessandro Michelle just started and the collection already has personality… Good start for this talented designer… Apparently bags and shoes are his thing… And lucky me…because so is mine…

Flowers, birds, butterflies… Greens, yellows and pinks… Can you feel the freshness and the breeze??? I can… Enjoy!!!


Written by Valentina Voos
Not an influencer, an inspirator