May the force be with us
I went to see Starwars… I waited a long time for the movie… I grew up an absolute fan of it and have seen and re-seen the movies several times..
My husband was not a Starwars fan… I should have known that before I married him… But, I only discovered it afterwards and then it was too late… For him, of course, as he had no option but become a fan… LOL…now, we look at each other and sing the song of Darth Vader in anticipation for the movie… What love does!!!
I liked the movie, and it left me wondering about the various open questions… However, it also made me make comparisons with the current world we live in, which the battle of Democracy and Tirany never seem to end…
Please note that I don’t discuss religion or nationality, but freedom and control…
Aristotle and Plato, two of the most famous Greek philosophers discussed democracy more than 1500 years ago…
Winston Churchill, British Prime Minister in the 1940’s, has a famous quote saying that “Democracy is the worse form of government, except for all the others”… He was the strategist that beat the Third Reich – Hitler’s tyrannic government…
10 years ago, the United Nation urged the World countries to fight extreme poverty, which was in the numbers of 42% of the World population…The claim was heard and today we have reduced it to 21%… Still a lot, but half of 10 years ago… This was due to discussion and agreement = Democracy…
Starwars teaches us a lesson that we all know… The force is within each one of us…and Democracy will always beat Tirany, in the screens but also in real life… Humanity will move forward into more and more freedom..who doubt, have only to look backwards and see how much we have advanced….
May the force be with us!!!
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